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IAEP Successfully Organizes Entire EMS Division of Manatee County


After a long-fought, year-long battle, the Manatee County EMS District Chiefs successfully voted 12-1 to unionize under the International Association of EMTs and Paramedics (IAEP) this February. The District Chiefs, who supervise the members of IAEP Local 747, now join the field staff and dispatchers of Manatee County EMS as IAEP members, pulling the entire division under the union‘s leadership.

IAEP National Representative and Organizer Clinton Faulkner jokingly credits the County for “doing all the organizing work for us” by refusing to fairly compensate their employees, making it easy for all of these different types of EMS providers to see the value of unionization and the rights that come with it.

“This win is yet another group that has decided that they are done taking the crumbs from the county while those in power get to keep the whole pie,” said Faulkner. “It is only a matter of time before word spreads even further and more employees of the county seek to organize-- and the IAEP will be here to help them every step of the way. Like the saying goes, divided we beg, united we bargain.”

In January, the District Chiefs filed a petition with the Public Employee Relations Commission (PERC) to conduct a representation election, seeking voluntary recognition after establishing a 100% showing of interest in their initial card collection. The county fought these efforts relentlessly, repeatedly filing motions and petitions in effort to delay and stop the unionization process.

“Manatee County spent tens of thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees to fight the IAEP every step of the way,” said Faulkner. “But we, the IAEP, keep beating this county EVERY SINGLE TIME.”

After 13 months and hundreds of hours of work from the IAEP, PERC ruled that the election must take place. Following the vote and subsequent election victory, the District Chiefs are now working to establish a Local Executive Board and demand bargaining on a contract with the county.

 “Our presence here in Manatee County has been a driving force in the way we have shaped our department,” said Faulkner. “We will continue to be the checks and balances system for this county that knows that we are a force to reckon with and will not go down without a fight. In union, there is strength!”

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